The Nikkei 500 Stock Average (Nikkei 500 Average) is a price-weighted stock index adjusted by the divisor, same as the Nikkei 225. The Nikkei Stock Average by Industry based on the 36 Nikkei industrial classifications are calculated concurrently as the sub indexes of the Nikkei 500 Average.
ConstituentsCommon stocks in the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Periodic reviewAnnually (April)
Selection rules
- The selection shall be conducted based on the rankings of trading volume, trading value and market value in the past 3 years, and the top 500 stocks are selected.
- In case of delisting of the index constituents due to a merger or bankruptcy, stocks are added by the Extraordinary Replacement, and the number of components remains at 500.
Number of constituents500
WeightingPrice weight
Calculation Method
- The index is calculated by dividing the summation of the adjusted prices by the divisor
Calculation frequencyReal time (every 1 minute)
Commencement dateJanuary/04/1982
Inception dateJanuary/04/1972
Related News
Change to Industry Classification of a Nikkei 500 constituent