Provision of index data

Some of the data provided on this site could be browsed without charge, while others are available as a paid service, depending on the time period and other factors.

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To use the contents on this site beyond personal use or "quotation" based on the copyright law, conclusion of a license agreement with Nikkei or the owner of the copyright is required.
For details, please refer to the "Terms of Use" of this site.

For inquiry regarding License Agreement

Scope of indx data provision


Data availability on public website

Data availability on paid service
(Premium Data Package)

More details
Index level data

Data availability on public website

  • Each index page/Download Center contains 3 years of daily and 10 years of monthly index value (CSV format)
  • "Historical Data in Nikkei 225" contains the index value of Nikkei 225 from its inception.
Download Center Historical Data in Nikkei 225

Data availability on paid service

  • Daily index level since the inception (For Nikkei 225 since 1970)
Constituent level data

Data availability on public website

  • Each index page contains a list of current constituents
  • Component weights as of the end of month are also provided for Nikkei 225, JPX-Nikkei 400, etc. (For details, please refer to the appendix "List of Data Provision by Index" in the User's Guide)

Data availability on paid service

  • Daily weight data for each component on the indexes are provided for two years
  • Divisors, expected ex-dividends of each index, etc. are also provided on a daily basis for two years

(Note) JPX-Nikkei 400 ver. and JPX-Nikkei Mid Small Ver. are both for one month.


Data availability on public website

  • Not available

Data availability on paid service

  • Component level dividend data for 2 years

(Note) Data is provided after the ex-dividend date. Dividend forecasts are not provided.

Forthcoming changes
  • The forthcoming changes to the index constituents are posted in "News & Release"
News & Release

Data availability on paid service

  • The forthcoming changes to the index constituents in CSV Format

Data availability on public website

  • "Daily Summary" provides a variety of daily data on the Nikkei 225 (For details, please refer to the User's Guide)
Daily Summary

Data availability on paid service

  • 1 week of Tick-by-Tick data
  • Subscribers are able to receive the index-related news via email just after the publication on the website

Data service for financial professionals

Premium Data Package

Premium Data Package

"I want to know the latest weights of the constituent stocks" "I want to use historical data for analysis of index price movements"――。 This is an email and web-based Nikkei indexes data service for financial professionals involved in such asset management and investment. Professional information essential to the Nikkei indexes, as represented by the Nikkei Stock Average, such as advanced notices of changes in constituent stocks and dividend data, are quickly available on the website and via e-mail at a bwer price.

For more details