Premium Data Package

Data service for financial professionals

“Willing to know the latest weights of the constituent stocks?”
“Willing to use the historical data to analyze index price movements?”
This is the email and data providing service for financial professionals who involve in such asset management and investment. Professional information essential to the Nikkei Indexes represented by the Nikkei Stock Average, such as advanced notice of change in constituent stocks and dividend data, can be obtained quickly through the website and by email as well as by low prices.

  • Used on an individual base of an organization ( instead of the organization / group usage)
  • Substantial historical data can be downloaded in one’s possession
  • Like reshuffling of constituents or periodic review, Nikkei’s latest public information can quickly be received by email right after Nikkei’s announcement

Latest News

Major Feature

To obtain precise index and component level data daily

In addition to the index calculation data including divisor or component weights, the component level data for the next day such as base prices or number of shares are available.

To catch crucial news timely by email

Subscribers are able to receive the crucial index-related news via email such as component changes just after Nikkei's announcements.

To use various index related data on your own device

The latest data as well as fulfilling historical data could be all downloaded in an easy-to-use CSV format.

Specifcation of Index Data Service

Historical Index Values

Daily index level since the inception (For Nikkei 225 since 1970)

*Nikkei Indexes website (for free to download) - Daily:3 years, Monthly:10 years

Index Data for Calculation

Divisor, Estimated Ex-dividend, Dividend Adjustment etc. used for the index calculation

*Nikkei 225 Ver. : 2 years, JPX-Nikkei 400 ver. and JPX-Nikkei Mid Small Ver.: 1 month

Component Level Data

Weight and price of each component for both current day and next day

*Nikkei 225 Ver. : 2 years, JPX-Nikkei 400 ver. and JPX-Nikkei Mid Small Ver.: 1 month

Dividend Data

Component level dividend data such as Estimated DPS as of ex-dividend date, Fixed Dividend, Adjustment Factor for Corporate Actions, Tax Rate etc.

*Nikkei 225 Ver. : 2 years (On JPX-Nikkei 400 ver. and JPX-Nikkei Mid Small Ver., Dividend data are included in Component Level Data)

Advanced Notice

The forthcoming changes such as component, PAF or number of shares, and corporate actions including Stock Split/Reverse Split in CSV Format

Intraday Data

Tick-by-Tick data on the underlying indexes whose futures are listed on the Osaka Exchange

*Nikkei 225 Ver. and JPX-Nikkei 400 ver.: 1 week

Usage Fee


Initial ID

Additonal ID

Nikkei 225 Ver.

Various indexes managed by Nikkei own such as Nikkei 225 and its derived indexes e.g. Nikkei High Dividend Yield Stock 50 Index etc. are available

List of indexes provided 

Initial ID

360,000 JPY
per annual

Additonal ID

120,000 JPY
per annual / ID


JPX-Nikkei 400 and its total return versions, and other derived indexes are available

List of indexes provided 

Initial ID

240,000 JPY
per annual

Additonal ID

84,000 JPY
per annual / ID


JPX-Nikkei Mid and Small Cap Index and its total return versions are available

List of indexes provided 

Initial ID

240,000 JPY
per annual

Additonal ID

84,000 JPY
per annual / ID

  • Only a single registered user could access this service on a PC. Additional payments are required for multiple use. Please contact the following contact form for details.
  • Yearly contract and advanced payment are required.
  • To receive Alert Mail, Email address registration will be needed after logging in the service. English or Japanese selectable.
  • Disseminating information & data on this service to any third parties is prohibited.

Inquiry for Premium Data Package

If you wish to use this service, please apply using the inquiry form below. After Nikkei Inc. confirms the necessary information, Nikkei will conclude a usage agreement with your company that describes the license policy, and then Nikkei will inform each individual user of the ID and Password etc., who will use the service.