Using the Nikkei Indexes for business purposes
Nikkei retains all intellectual property rights, including copyrights, to the Nikkei Stock Average (Nikkei 225), the premier index of Japanese stocks and all other Nikkei stock price indices and economic indices.
By entering into a license agreement with Nikkei Inc., the Nikkei Indexes can be displayed on websites and mobile applications, and is used in a wide range of situations, mainly by financial institutions for non-display usage (NDU) as well, to make strategic trading decisions, to automatically analyze markets by inputting the Nikkei Index into machine, and to issue mutual funds and other financial products linked to Nikkei Indexes.
Treatment of Delayed Information on the Nikkei Indexes
Nikkei will change the definition of “Delayed Information”(Index value information delayed by a certain period of time from the current time) effective as of November 5, 2024. For details, please refer from here.

Form of Indexes Usage

(for information Service)
Displaying on media such as websites, mobile apps, books, reports, and presentation materials
The Nikkei Indexes can be used in a variety of media, including websites, apps, videos, books, reports, and presentations to communicate market trends. It may also be used in a variety of ways, from real-time updates to using only the closing price.
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(Non-Display Usage)
Using as inputting index data for algorithmic trading or management of profit and loss
The Nikkei Indexes can be used in a variety of automatic and arithmetic processing in non-display format, including the judgement in the financial trade, risk management in investment, analysis of markets, pricing of derivatives linked to Nikkei Indexes.
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Creation and sales of financial products including Investment Trusts, and ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds)
A license agreement with Nikkei Inc. is required to create and market financial products, such as investment trusts, ETFs, structured bonds, and warrants, which use the Nikkei Indexes.
More detailsData service for financial professionals
Premium Data Package

"I want to know the latest weights of the constituent stocks" "I want to use historical data for analysis of index price movements"―― This is an email and web-based Nikkei indexes data service for financial professionals involved in such asset management and investment. Professional information essential to the Nikkei indexes, as represented by the Nikkei Stock Average, such as advanced notices of changes in constituent stocks and dividend data, are quickly available on the website and via e-mail at a bwer price.